Real estate photography trends are difficult to follow since they’re constantly changing, even more so than your regular photography trends. They’re also more stressful considering that, if you show up to a client’s house without being updated on the current trends, things can get complicated and awkward very quickly.
This is why it’s so important that real estate photographers are constantly ensuring that they’re updated on the latest trends. That’s why we’ve decided to write about the top trends from this year so that you can keep updated with the happenings on them. Some of these have been trends for a while, merely growing more popular during this year than before. Others are completely new this year, with photographers recently hopping on these trends in the new year.
Regardless of which trends you’re here for, we’re covering all the trends in 2021 in this blog post!
Virtual Home Tours
Virtual home tours are all the rage right now, being the latest and greatest on real estate databases and are almost always expected now on sites like Zillow. Although we realize that investing in a 360-degree camera isn’t an affordable option for all real estate photographers, you’ll quickly make your money back with what real estate agents are willing to spend on having virtual home tours.

This means that, with what you spend on your camera and the software that will be required, you can quickly make back your money. Although this trend has been vaguely familiar before, this year more than ever we’ve seen a surprising amount of people getting started with it. It’s now expected on real estate databases like Zillow to be able to walk through a home on your computer.
Don’t Keep Your Editing In-house
It’s no shock that a lot of photographers enjoy the aspect of being there in the moment, working with people, and taking photos, but when it comes to the editing after it isn’t so fun. Over the past few years, freelancing has become a more popular industry, and although it used to be that real estate photographers would try to wear all the hats and juggle photographing and editing, we see it being outsourced more now.
Really, photographers are starting to outsource anything technical that doesn’t involve directly shooting the images at the house. Not only is this trendy, but it’s simply efficient. If you find that you’re good with a camera but so great when it comes to figuring out Lightroom and Photoshop, then why not pay someone more capable to do it for you? Considering outsourcing your editing may be your best decision yet!
Aerial Photos
Drones in themselves aren’t new to photography, and certainly not to real estate photography, but it definitely has taken a turn in popularity this year. Indeed, aerial images are mostly shown on expensive pieces of real estate (with pools and larger yards) but sometimes it’ll be used for cheaper properties as well.

Nearly all real estate photographers have started incorporating aerial photos into their business at some point, although it’s true that drones aren’t cheap. But the demand for aerial photos is big and with this year we expect it to only grow larger. It’s safe to say that investing in a drone for your real estate photography business is a worthwhile investment that will pay itself off.
Don’t Be Shy of Partnering With Real Estate Databases
Partnering with real estate databases can be a great step for your photography business, even if it may not seem like it at first. This trend seemed to pop up from nowhere, with one of the US’s largest real estate databases, Zillow, leading the way with the trend. Now you can become a Zillow certified photographer by filling out a form on the company’s website and submitting it.

Since this trend is still fresh and new, we’ve seen photographers shy away from it. After all, it can be nerve-racking to step out with trying something so new. But we highly suggest giving it a shot, and, although you may be one of the only Zillow-certified photographers in your area, it could be a huge success for your company.
Growing a Real Estate Photography Business
If you’re feeling defeated with starting your first real estate photography business, then trust me, you’re along with every other photographer first starting. It’s true that, at first, things are rough and can be discouraging, but it gets better. Growing any business isn’t easy, but the reward is always worth it!
By incorporating current trends you can show your clients that you’re updated with the latest and greatest. Although it isn’t easy, by staying up to date with the real estate photography trends above, you can grow your company and please clients.