Ever asked yourself how do I grow my photography business or how do I get more clients? Well today I thought I’d share with you on how to do exactly that…
Check out the few steps below and start implementing them for your business.
1. Educate Your (Potential) Clients
Instead of just cold calling or walking into office trying desperately to sell your pricing, packages, and why you’re the best or better than a phone, try educating your audience instead.
This will position you as the expert!

- Teach your potential photography clients the equipment and methods you use that create stunning photos they won’t be able to get from a phone or another person.
- Show your real estate photography work and compare it to what other people are currently doing. When you show them the difference in your real estate photos compared to what others normally do they’ll be able to see the difference.
- Tell them how this will also get them more business because their clients will now see them as the professional in their area.
- Offer them free or deeply discounted photo shoots, so they can see what you can do and will be more likely to stick with you for upcoming photo shoots.
2. Post Consistently on Social Media
If you don’t already have a Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest account or page, create one! Then invite your friends to like or follow you.
Post consistently, whether that’s each day or every other day your photos/video and a short description about working with the client and what made it enjoyable. Based on your style of photos you’ll attract future photography clients to you.
Ask your current clients to leave a review of your photos and work on your social sites too, if that’s an option!
3. Offer Added Value Services
There’s much more you can offer to your clients than just professional photos for them to upload. You can add in property flyers, virtual video tours, and property websites that will give them an even bigger reason to keep returning to you.
With Full Frame Systems you can automatically generate each one of these to send over to your clients.
Check out the examples below:
Property Websites
Try them out for yourself with our 30 day free trial here or schedule a demo.
Thanks for reading and if you have any questions or need help with anything just reach out!