Drone photography can take your real estate photography business from average to breathtaking. A drone can capture images from high above so the surrounding landscape and architecture are showcased. There are two ways to add drone photography to your business. You can either hire a drone pilot or fly the drone yourself.

You can hire a professional drone pilot, but that can be expensive. If you hire out, the pilot should know local regulations regarding drones and have everything needed to complete the job. The second way is to shoot the photography yourself.
Drone Regulations
If you choose to fly the drone yourself, it will take some flying practice before you’re ready to shoot anything. You’ll need to check the local regulations regarding drones. There are some off-limit areas where drones can’t be flown. The rules vary from place to place, but there are a few hard and fast rules that apply everywhere.

Universal Drone Regulations:
● Avoid airports, airfields, or aircraft
● Keep drones at least 150 ft. away from people and property
● Fly below 400ft
Buying a Drone
Drones are a lot cheaper than they once were, but they still cost a couple of thousand dollars. Consider it an investment in your photography business. When you are deciding on a drone, look for one with flight stability and good camera quality. Aim for a hi-res camera drone with 12 megapixels or more. You’ll also want to check the range and flight duration. The range is how far the drone can go from the remote. The flight duration is how long the drone can be in the air. 20 to 30 minutes is usually reasonable for flight duration.

Practice Makes Perfect
Start off slow. There are plenty of YouTube videos and other instructionals online that can help you learn how to pilot your drone. Practice in an open area to begin with and well away from any structures. It takes time to get the hang of it, and you don’t want to damage your drone.
Licensing & Building a Portfolio
If you’re going to hire out your services, you’ll need to check and see if you need any sort of special licenses to do so. Once you’ve gotten your license in order, start building a portfolio that you can show to potential clients.

Tips for Drone Photography
The basics of photography still apply even though the camera is high in the air. Getting the right exposure can be harder with a drone as many drone cameras don’t have an aperture you can adjust. Here are a few other tips to help you capture the best photos possible.
● Choose A Clear, Sunny Day
● Photograph Nearby Attractions like Parks, Etc.
● Include the Nearby Houses So Clients Get An Idea of the Neighborhood
● Take Multiple Shots from Different Angles
● Capture Selling Points Like Pools

In Conclusion
If you’re in the real estate or photography business, adding a drone can help you capture details and vantage points you can’t see from the ground. Whether you hire a drone pilot or invest in a drone, drone photos will help you sell more properties.