Owning a real estate photography business comes with a unique set of challenges that you have to tackle to give clients the best experience with your business. Any photographer knows that capturing high-quality, stunning photos can be extremely difficult, regardless of your experience level or skill. Even with the best camera, lens, and perfect lighting, sometimes it’s still impossible to get good photos.
If you’re thinking about giving real estate photography a shot and want to know the details of where to begin and how to capture high-quality photos, this is the blog post for you. We’ll go over what gear you want to invest in and some handy tips that you’ll want to know when you’re attempting to take your high-quality photos.
Invest In A Tripod
You’re going to use a tripod and you’re going to use it a lot. This piece of photography gear is a must to be able to capture photos with consistent height all the way through the house. You also want to make sure that all your photos don’t have any blurriness that could be caused by shaky hands or jerky movements. Tripods are an important piece of gear that you’re going to use and that you need to capture the best quality photos.

Get A Drone
When you’re shooting real estate photography, you want to be able to capture the entire home at its best. This includes capturing aerial shots from up above so that you can show potential buyers the property and the entire home. You’ll be able to use your tripod and other products to capture the room of the home, but for the outside images, you’ll want a high-quality zone.
Drone photography, if you have enough practice with it, can get you some stunning landscape shots that homeowners will love. You’ll be able to capture stunning exterior images, showing off the entire outdoor landscape and the exterior of the home itself. A drone can add a lot to your photography business, but they’re also fairly pricey. If a drone isn’t something that you can afford right away, you can add it on later as a part of your business.

Shoot Later In The Day
If you shoot early in the day or later in the day after sunset, the lighting may be off with your photos. Dealing with bad lighting can damage your photos and make them unusable, plus making your job much more difficult. If possible, you want to shoot towards the end of the day when the sun is behind the house. This way you’ll have the most natural light and, if lucky, you may even get to shoot during golden hour.
Keep The Rooms Bright
If the rooms have low lighting then your photos will turn out of bad quality and be difficult to see. Bad lighting in your photos can turn off potential buyers and discourage homeowners from using your services again. To get the best lighting, let the natural light in by opening curtains and windows up. You want to get the most natural lighting possible for your photos to come out clear and of high quality.

Get A Flash
Regardless of how hard you try, it won’t be possible to get good lighting every time that you shoot. There’ll be some days when it’ll be necessary to create your own light, and that’s when your flash comes in. Investing in a high-quality flash can be game-changing when you find yourself in a situation where the lighting isn’t at its best and there isn’t much natural light to use. A flash will make it easy for you to get high-quality photos regardless of low lighting.